Nutritious food source for all families

Health is gold, the most valuable thing for each person. When we have health, we will be able to do what we want and have a meaningful life. The length of life depends on health, and health is determined by lifestyle. When you are lucky enough to have good health, it means you are close to success in every field.

Unlike knowledge, which is a value accumulated over time, each of our health is a limited "resource" and always tends to decline after we pass middle age. That decline is inevitable, unavoidable, but if we know how to choose a healthy lifestyle, supplement the necessary nutrients and exercise appropriately, that decline process can happen more slowly. , as well as helping us have more healthy moments in life. So, take good care of yourself and your family's health!

The raw Honey 

#10 surprising benefits for Health from HONEY

  • 1. Honey contains nutrients that are beneficial for health.
  •  2. Pure honey is rich in antioxidants.
  •  3. Using honey to replace table sugar helps improve diabetes.
  •  4. Antioxidants in honey help lower blood pressure.
  •  5. Honey helps improve cholesterol.
  •  6. Honey helps reduce triglyceride levels.
  •  7. Antioxidants in honey are beneficial for heart health.
  •  8. Honey helps heal wounds quickly.
  •  9. Honey helps reduce cough in children.
  • 10. Honey still contains high calories and sugar, so use it wisely

The raw honey

Honey combined with medicinal herbs

Gift Set

Honeco's Drinking Products


Ngoc Thanh Xuan Collagen distills the essence of heaven and earth and is the perfect combination of 6 precious nutrients:
• Wild flower honey is carefully selected to meet the most stringent export standards.
• Royal jelly is delicately selected from precious flower sources.
• Turmeric curcumin essence extracted from yellow turmeric root of Tam Dao mountains.
• Glutathione, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) are precious active ingredients extracted from yeast that help moisturize and whiten the skin and are imported directly from Japan.
• Especially, the product contains up to 1,125 mg of hydrolyzed Collagen/15g imported from Italy to help skin become shiny and smooth.
Subjects of use
• People who need to improve their health
• Women want to beautify their skin and prevent aging.

Special Product for

Since ancient times, royal jelly has been considered a miracle medicine for health and beauty that only kings can use because of its wonderful effects on health and beauty and its undeniable quality. Royal jelly in nature is extremely small compared to human needs. Fresh royal jelly is a special product secreted from the jaws of worker bees to feed the queen bee and young larvae. It is ivory white and thick like butter. Royal jelly is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, amino acids and many other nutrients...
Royal jelly is not the milk of royal bees because bees are insects that cannot have milk. In fact, fresh royal jelly is a combination of honey, bee pollen and worker bee enzymes, creating a special nutrient. In particular, it is slightly ivory white, thick like butter, and will be secreted from the jaws of worker bees to feed the queen bee and young larvae.
Why is royal jelly the rarest of all bee industry products?
In a beehive there are thousands of worker bees but only one queen bee. Larvae nourished with this special food have an average lifespan of 5 to 6 years, 40 - 50 times the lifespan of worker bees and are capable of producing 2,000 eggs/day. As for larvae raised to become worker bees, they only eat royal jelly for the first 3 days, then are fed pollen and honey by worker bees until they reach adulthood. Because it can only eat honey and pollen for its entire life, it only lives on average about 2 to 3 months.


#Benefits of Cordyceps
  • Cordyceps helps reduce stress, fatigue,
  • Improve brain function,
  • Prevents and inhibits tumors,
  • Improve health,
  • Helps sleep well, sleep deeply,
  • Good for diabetics,
  • Enhance physiology,
  • Good for the respiratory system.

Other products of Cordyceps

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